
Welcome to our store! We are working as hard as we can to get high quality products in your hands as soon as possible!! We know that we ain’t “cheap”, but standing up to tyrants, bullies and self-serving politicians to protect our constitutional rights is both time consuming and expensive!!

We get our fair share of hater comments and mail, but for every negative message we get 2 that support us. Thank you for that. We hope you enjoy our shop, we will be adding new items and expanding choices as products become available.

Know that you are part of an expanding revolution to hold all our elected officials accountable. We must either live by our Constitution and the Rule of Law or be ruled by the mob. There is no gray area.

If you receive anything from us that is not right, please let us know. We will either make it right or promptly refund every penny!

We truly appreciate your support. Really, more than can be expressed on this page.

His Royal High-ness, Grand Potentate of all that is Salty, Jimmy “White Beard” Carroll and Attorney General and Ruler of all Seas less than One Fathom, Blair “Gray Beard” Hahn

Yes, It is true that this image might be viewed by some as a bit rude. However, this gesture, just like our beloved Republic, is rich in history and takes us back to yet another tyrannical government, the Roman Empire.

During the rise of the Roman empire, archers were the most important individuals in any army. Whether it was the invading Romans or those defending their rights and lands, archers allowed armies to inflict great harm without engaging in hand to hand combat.

As such, Roman Generals ordered that the middle finger of all captured enemy archers be cut off so that they could never again raise a bow and arrow against the Empire. It was because of this brutal practice by invading tyrants that retreating archers on the battlefield would show the Roman army that they still had their middle finger and would be back to fight another day!

The founders of the Palm Republic share that fighting spirit. We proudly display the middle finger to signify to all tyrants, dictators, politicians, and bureaucrats that tyranny of any kind will not be tolerated within our Republic.

Long live the Palm Republic!!

This is our Official Seal of the Palm Republic. Our pelican is similar to the great phoenix rising from the ashes! We will persevere and rise from the ashes of self-serving political tyranny!!

Our motto, “Gravissima Fabula Est Negotia”, means play is very serious business and is proudly displayed over a martini glass. His Bodacious Highness, the Ruler of all Seas less than 1 fathom, prefers rhum on the rocks with a lime wedge for scurvy, but the martini glass and olive looks oh so very cool…. We have the sun, the moon, waves, palm trees and words to live by within our Official Seal. We hope you like it as much as we do! It looks great on just about anything. His High-ness wanted it tattooed on his right cheek (you know which one), but alas, untreated ADD and tattoo parlors just don’t mix.